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Black Cow Christmas Spirit Vodka
Wine Description:
Christmas Spirit was created at our kitchen table using an assortment of winter fruits and spices: brown sugar, cloves, currants, figs , raisins, orange zest, lemon zest, cinnamon and vanilla.
Producer Description
Whey has historically been the problem child of the dairy industry. There is an excess produced in the cheese making process. Black Cow take this under-valued by-product and turn it into a superior premium vodka.
The charismatic inventor of Pure Milk Vodka and face of the brand is Jason Barber. As a farmer, running his own dairy farm, Jason has utilised all of his skills and contacts to set up, maintain and run the production side of Black Cow.
His family background in farming and cheese making are, of course, reflected in the Black Cow process. The world’s oldest surviving family of cheddar makers, the Barber family have been making cheese and producing milk for over 200 years.